Make this pendant necklace using Rubberstamps and Opals. The images on the necklace and the images in the following two posts are CORY designs from After Midnight Art Stamps. You can use these or any combination of images, all or in part, to create your design. A simple tutorial can be found in the next two posts.
Use a round small to medium rubberstamp and a domino rubberstamp from CORY stamp designs. Use black Staz-on ink to stamp the images onto white matboard. Color the images in coordinating colors of your choice, using markers, watercolor, or color pencils. Touch-up the black lines with a very fine permanent ink pen. Heat set with a heat embossing tool for one minute.
Tap the dry surfaces with a clear embossing ink pad. Apply a layer of clear Opals and emboss with a heat embossing tool.
Use Hard as Nails to glue a washer onto the backside of the circle for weight. When dry, glue it to the front side of the rectangle. Glue a smaller washer half way down on the top backside of the pendant. Attach a thin cord to the small washer with a larks knot. Paint the backside of the pendant with black acrylic and seal with a clear gloss spray.
It was a cold day in Paris... I found someone else he said, as he packed a bag and left me, leaving behind his favorite navy blazer and red silk tie. In anger and tears, I ripped the blazer to shreds, cut up the tie, and tore into the jewelry he had gifted me....Today I design artisan jewelry and accessories from those shreds of fabric, buttons off the blazer, and bits of broken jewelry. Every piece has a story...SWEET REVENGE !!!